Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2011 Summer Workshops

Sifu Luis Molera
July - August - September
Tai Chi Chi-Kung  ~ Cloudy Fan Form  ~Bamboo Chi-Kung  ~Short Stick Form 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to Grandmaster William CC Chen & Priscilla Chen for making possible the workshop & private classes that Sifu Luis Molera has provided for us, both Qigong as well as the Cloudy Fan Form. Personally speaking, my partaking of the private classes with Sifu Molera was so enjoyable; he is an excellent teacher, very patient, and fully explains each of the complicated moves involved in the Fan form. Since my injury I have not been able to expand my push-hands training (for the time being!), but the Fan form has proven to be quite therapeutic for me. Although my moves are clumsy, syncopated and "without Taiji Heart", with time I know I will improve. I do hope that Sifu Molera will be able to return to New York and re-offer the workshop in the near future.

Again, I personally thank Grandmaster Chen, Priscilla and especially Sifu Molera for the opportunity to expand my Taiji knowledge and journey...


PS: Let's keep the momentum Sifu Luis has instilled in us with the Cloud Fan & Qigong Workshop!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thank you for Saturday's lesson

Dear Luis Molera
Thank you for a wonderful lesson on Saturday. Although I learned a few pieces of the 45 movement fan form, it was exciting and wet my appetite for more. You are a gifted teacher. Keep up the great work.

Please let me know when your DVD is ready for distribution.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sifu Molera

Dear friends,

I was unable to join the Fan Form workshop with you but had the
privilege of taking two private Chikung Si Ba Shi lessons with Sifu
Molera. The lessons were inspired and immensely enjoyable for both me
and my wife (who had never experienced a tai chi or chikung class). In
the two lessons Sifu Molera was able to teach us the 18 movement Si Ba
Shi form while providing insight to effective practice methods that
are allowing us to improve beyond the private instruction (with daily
practice of coarse).

I'm finding the Si Ba Shi form to be a compliment to my ongoing Tai
Chi Chuan practice as the movements are closely related and balanced
between left and right (yin and yang). It's a wonderful daily warm-up
that encourages a steady focus of mind and body and I appreciate that
the form is relatively easy to learn and gives me the opportunity to
include my family in the experience.

Many thanks to Grandmaster Chen and Priscilla for introducing us to
Sifu Luis. I'll look forward to a return visit and a chance to learn
the fan form.

Sifu Molera, Thank you for your wonderful instruction. I look forward
to ongoing communication and wish you safe travels.

Kind Regards,

Richard Mullen

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tai Chi Chi Kung (Shi Ba Si) and Fan Form with Luis Molera

18 TAI CHI / CHI KUNG Movements
(Tai Ji Qi Gong Shi Ba Si)
A set of 18 movements which can be done by everybody no matter what  age or physical condition. There are three sets of eighteen movements each. The first Set is especially suitable for Beginners.

FAN FORM  Tai Chi Cloudy Fan Form has forty-five movements. The elegant and flexible postures were derived from martial applications of kung fu movements, indeed even if it looks very like light dancing movements, all of them have a practical martial meaning which makes this exercises with a Chinese Fan a very interesting and joyful style. A little more demanding as a regular Tai Chi Chuan Hand Form but still suitable for everybody.